What You Should Know Before Treatment
Water intake is essential, client should consume at least 1 liter of water before scheduled treatment.
No sunbathing or tanning 1 week before treatment. Client should have no lotions or oils on the skin before treatment.
Retinol creams should be discontinued 2 weeks prior to RF treatment. Retinol based creams thin the skin and can cause heat sensitivity resulting in burns.
Avoid high carb or high fat foods 2 hours before treatment.
Body Contouring Treatment Contraindications
- Pregnant
- Breastfeeding – hormones produced in the body while lactating can increase fluid retention in the body and slow
Lymphatic function
- Cancer (all forms)
- Undergoing chemotherapy or immune therapy
- Lupus
- High blood pressure (uncontrolled) – weakens kidney function.
- Diabetes (uncontrolled) – leaky
Lymphatic vessels
- Prednisone and other steroid medications – treatment will increase inflammation.
- Heart problems or diseases
- Kidney damage, diseases or problems
- Liver damage, diseases or problems
- Hemorrhagic disease, trauma or bleeding
- Numb or insensitive to heat
- Active implanted device such as pacemaker or defibrillator
These things listed below require a waiting period before a client can start treatments
- Recent surgery (wait 6 months)
- Recent scars (wait 6 months)
- Open lesions (avoid area)
- Skin diseases (avoid area)
- Infection (avoid area)
- Antibiotics (wait until course completed)
- Inflammation (avoid area)
- Varicose veins (avoid area)
- Prosthesis/silicone implants (avoid area)
- Metal implants/screws (avoid area)
- Menstrual Period (wait until after)
- Metal contraceptive coil (avoid area)
- Depilatory creams (wait 2 weeks)
- Areas being treated with IPL or Laser (wait 2 weeks)
- Areas being treated with Botox® (wait 3 months) or dermal fillers (wait 2 weeks)
- Suntan (sun must be avoided the entire duration of the treatment regime)
- Chronic inflammation (depending on severity of chronic inflammatory conditions – consider that treatment will increase inflammation and anti-inflammatory medications reduce the effectiveness of the treatment – please discuss with your doctor first.
Pre & Post Treatment Advice
- Drink at least 2 liters of water before your treatment and another 2 liters per day following your treatment (soft drink, soda, juice or tea is not water).
- Refrain from ANY alcohol consumption for 2 – 3 days following your treatments. Alcohol can prevent your liver from working to remove fats as it will make alcohol metabolism its priority before fat removal and could hinder your results.
- Refrain from caffeine for 3-4 days prior to your treatment and for 48 hours after treatment.
- Avoid eating 2 hours prior and 1 hour after your treatment.
- Refrain from aspirin, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory products for 2 days prior and after your treatment.
- Use dry skin brushing daily to stimulate lymph movement.
- Do not have a hot shower (warm is alright), spa or sauna straight after treatment.
- Diet: Follow a low carb, low starch, low sugar diet for best results.
- Exercise: Do brisk exercise for at least 20 minutes after your treatment to stimulate lymph movement. The vibration plate can be offered as an alternative.